Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Letter


With tears, from both my eyes and my heart, right now, while remembering that story, I want to thank you for being so good to me, for always patiently listening to me and guarding me.

If you want to go and rest, I will respect your decision, the way you have been understanding me. Pure and deep. You know, you are always in my heart. Wherever you are.

Live. Let's live. Tommorow is here, now.

I love you, very much.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Always Be My Dad

If I could write a story
It would be the greatest told
Of a kind a heart of gold

I could write a million pages
But still be unable to say
Just how much I love
And miss him, every single day

I will remember all he taught me
I’m hurt, but won’t be sad
As he’ll send me down the answers
And he’ll always be my dad